Sounds of The Moon

I did not make these sounds. These were made by my friend DJ Chi-B. He deserves all the credit. Heres his buisness card

Heres just a few clips to tide you over until I can set up the FTP to get up the big high quality songs that will be here :)

Chibi Moon attacks BesuBesu (VesVes) all by herself. Take cuteness power!! 152K

Chibi Moon and Moon argueing and falling down in battle.. classic :) 99K

Kawaii!!! Diana is talking in this! She is in the very begining and very end. She thinks Mamoru's apartment is on fire and freaks out, everyone runs around in a panic and trashes the place. Must get! 272K

The senshi's weakness.... kawaii enemies! "Do re me fa so la ti do!" You have to hear it. Kawaii! 119K

This sound is so touching to me, but then I've seen the show. I won't spoil it but if you must know click here. It envovles a sad goodbye between two people, if someone can tell me what they are saying in it please tell me!

More to come.. including "Moon Crisis Make up!" "Moon Gorgeous Meditation" "Tuxedo Mirage" "Morning Moon" and this totally wiced cool song from SuperS. Keep checking! Back to the .main page